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Significance of Story

Conductor's Curiosity

Business is Personal

Service of Leadership

Doing the Right Thing


Context for Business

Back to the Miracle

Commitment—Ebb & Flow

A Time for Thriving

Corporate Care

A Critical Time

 Doing the One

Personal Lessons

Cracking the Whip

Endowment of Ebb

Hitting Your Stride

Open the Door

Winds of Change

Power of One

Attaining Wisdom

Begin By Being Open

Business Decisions

Leaders, One and All


Doing the One—Making an Effort Daily

Empty reassurances don't do any of us any good. We want to be able to look life square in the face and know that we are seeing a semblance of reality and truthfulness. In that stark visage, we may experience fear, outrage, uncertainty, or apathy. A myriad of emotions are possible today, and we can't afford to express them recklessly. What each of us can do daily is practice transmuting emotions that add to the turmoil and build upon emotions that create calm. Here are some suggestions for daily practice:

  • At your desk, before shifting to your next task, pause. Feel your breath coming in through your heart and out through your solar plexus-just imagine it that way for 30 seconds in a relaxed manner. Activate a positive feeling. Select a feeling such as appreciation or care for someone important in your life. Feel it, don't just think about it. As you soak in that feeling, allow the coherence it generates to spread. See what occurs as you resume your next task. Simply pay attention with no expectations, just focus.

  • As your day at the office ends, pause and breathe in the manner described above. Ask yourself, "What's one positive influence I had on someone or something today?" "Did I miss an opportunity to have a positive impact?" As your answers unfold, be gentle with your discoveries, and engender a positive emotion towards yourself such as compassion, forgiveness, or appreciation.

  • When you return home at the end of your day, take one minute to connect with yourself. Appreciate the effort you put out today, and quietly sense any change in perception or feeling. Be with it for a few seconds more.

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If you found these steps helpful and want to learn how to implement them in a corporate setting, contact us at 619 466-8402 or Lindsay@authenticore.com.

Copyright 2003 AuthentiCore